COMT To Mind - How COMT SNPs Mould Your Mood

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COMT To Mind - How COMT SNPs Mould Your Mood

By Lifecode Gx

It's all about balance. Our overall health and mental wellbeing is all subject to how well we manage the production, reception and detoxification of hormones. And the infamous COMT (Catechol- O- Methyl Transferase) is a key player in detoxification of excess 'catechol' hormones, dependent on methylation and production of SAMe, and subject to is own influential SNPs. It can be slow or fast, interacting with other systems, and creating a rollercoaster effect on dopamine, adrenaline and oestrogen levels. Chris and Emma look at the many faces of COMT, how it might affect you or your client, links with hormonal disorders, ADHD, stress, addiction and beyond.

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Lifecode Gx

Lifecode Gx


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