Henry Shue, Javier Lezaun, Thom Wetzer, Lavanya Rajamani and Steve Smith in Conversation: "Climate justice & achieving Net Zero"
By Oxford Martin School
This discussion in the Oxford Net Zero Series, hosted by the Oxford Martin School, turns the spotlight on the climate justice aspects of the research programme on Net Zero.
Join Oxford academics from the Department of Politics and International Relations, School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, and Faculty of Law - Henry Shue, Javier Lezaun, Thom Wetzer and Lavanya Rajamani as they discuss with the Chair, Dr Steve Smith, the equity, justice and distributive aspects of reducing and removing GHG emissions in pursuit of Net Zero. The discussion will explore the crucial importance of (and opportunities for including) justice and distributive aspects in the framing and operationalization of the Paris Agreement's global temperature goal and Net Zero in an unequal world.
hosted by

Oxford Martin School