Love Affair (1994) Watch-along

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Love Affair (1994) Watch-along

By carycomeshome

Love Affair (dir. Glenn Gordon Caron, 1994)
CrowdCast, Saturday 21 November 2020, 2pm GMT
Running time: 1hr 48
Rating: 12
Tickets: Pay what you feel
Join us for this watch-along of Love Affair - Warren Beatty (Mike Gambrill) stars and produces this third iteration of the film, opposite Annette Bening (Terry McKay) and Katharine Hepburn (Ginny), in her last film, and an amazing, underrated score by the late Ennio Moriccone.
Part of the Love Affairs to Remember Marathon
What is a “watch-along screening”?
Sadly we can’t actually stream films due to distribution rights, but we aim to create a sense of togetherness in isolation through sharing our love of Cary Grant. Before the start of the screening you need to source your own copy of the film and cue it up ready to play. After a brief 5-10 minute introduction on CrowdCast we will count down and all press play at the same time. The CrowdCast will end and we’ll watch-along together using the #CaryStaysHome hashtag on Twitter and Instagram @carycomeshome.
Viewing options:
Amazon Prime UK £3.49
Amazon Prime USA $3.99
What is “Pay what you feel”?
We want to make the festival accessible whatever your budget, but for those that can afford it, we’d really appreciate it if you can give generously to keep the festival afloat in these difficult times.
We rely on ticket sales as our main source of income, but Covid-19 has made this impossible this year, creating a huge shortfall in our finances. We’re a biennial festival so we’re hoping by 2022 we’ll be able to return to live events, but in the meantime we’re determined to celebrate Cary Grant as best we can virtually.

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