Build your career like an entrepreneur

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Build your career like an entrepreneur

By The Happy Startup School

Work takes up a huge amount of our waking hours.

But what if changing careers is causing you sleepless nights?

Because it’s easy to feel stuck.

Your decisions will have an impact on those close to you - and your bank balance.

Can you learn to be more creative, courageous, and resourceful when it comes to pivoting your professional life?

On this episode of the Friday Fireside, we’ll be joined by Iesha Small, a career pivot coach and seasoned communications professional, to talk about how we can adopt an entrepreneur’s mindset when thinking about following a new professional path.

Iesha will share her inspiring journey from maths teacher to career-change champion, and what she needed to do to navigate that transition.

We'll dive deep into her squiggly career path and how she has continually reshaped her route to align with her personal goals and values.

She'll share the challenges of leaving secure positions, the fear and uncertainty that come with each pivot, and the strategies that helped her navigate these changes successfully.

Iesha isn’t just about making bold moves; she's about making smart, strategic decisions that lead to personal freedom and fulfilment.

She’ll explain her unique approach of treating career development like an entrepreneur, focusing on experimentation and creating opportunities that offer more choice.

Whether you're feeling stuck in your current role, scared to make a big change, or simply seeking more meaning and purpose in your work, you’ll find Iesha’s insights empowering and connecting.

If you want to transform your professional life without succumbing to the pressures of traditional success metrics, this conversation is for you.

Learn how to overcome the '3am gremlins' that tell you you're not enough, and build a career that not only meets your financial needs but enriches your life.

It’s time to step out of your comfort zone and embrace the possibilities that await when you dare to dream differently.

hosted by

The Happy Startup School

The Happy Startup School


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