Bristol energy and decarbonisation (hybrid event)
By Green Tech South West
Join us for our hybrid event with great talks celebrating two fantastic energy sustainability initiatives which are working together for a better Bristol - Bristol Energy Network, Laura Penny and Bristol City Leap (James Sterling).
How you choose to join in is up to you! Join us either:
- In person at the Scott Logic offices by Bristol Bridge, for pizza, drinks and a spot of mingling before the talks. Arrive from 6pm for a 6.30pm.
- Or attend online and enjoy a welcoming and authentic Green Tech South West experience using CrowdCast. Join online from 6.20pm for a 6.30pm start.
Both sessions close at 8pm.
Please tell us your preference for attending when you RSVP so we can order the right amount of food and drinks and prevent food waste or hungry bellies!
A game-changing approach towards decarbonisation at city-scale
Bristol City Leap is a world-first and will invest nearly £500 million into low carbon energy infrastructure, such as solar, wind, heat networks, heat pumps and energy efficiency measures. Put simply, this means a transformative boost in the amount of renewable energy and decarbonised heat powering Bristol, which in turn means a cleaner, greener and healthier place. All of this will help Bristol meet its carbon reduction targets of becoming carbon neutral by 2030.
Bristol City Leap aims to deliver social value to the city including over 1,000 new jobs, apprenticeships and work placements, and a new Community Energy Development Fund worth £1.5m.
James heads up the Communications and Engagement team with responsibility for the company's internal and external communications strategy, brand development, community engagement and the delivery of our social value commitments.
He’s worked on some key sustainability projects including European Green Capital and Bristol Community Energy Fund. With an unmatched passion for sustainability, James has been an instrumental champion for Bristol’s green efforts over the years, ensuring collective action to keep Bristol on track to be the UK’s first carbon neutral city.
Putting Communities at the heart of Bristol’s energy system
Bristol Energy Network (BEN) is a member-led umbrella organisation for the stakeholders of Bristol and its surrounding areas who are interested in establishing a clean, green, and affordable energy landscape. With over a decade of experience, BEN has become a trusted partner in guiding communities on their journey towards embracing and achieving clean and just energy transitions.
BEN now plays a crucial role in the development of the city’s community participation in energy. It has an influential voice representing the diversity of local communities and is an important asset that makes connections between the grassroots and policy, representing the community.
BEN has been working with Bristol City Leap to provide support to community organisations in creating funding applications, developing project ideas, and developing joint initiatives for the Bristol City Leap Community Energy Fund.
Laura is the Chair of the Board for Bristol Energy Network CIC (BEN), which is a volunteer role in her "spare time". She is passionate about empowering individuals to benefit from the energy transition and has been working with BEN for a number of years. The community energy sector is equal parts inspiring, challenging, and collaborative, which provides the perfect recipe for exciting innovation and achievements across Bristol's diverse neighbourhoods.
Outside of BEN she is an energy strategy consultant, working for a global engineering company, Ramboll.
Our schedule is as follows:
🔓 18.00 - Scott Logic doors open for in-person attendees
🔓 18.20 - CrowdCast online room opens for online attendees
👋 18.30 - Event starts with a welcome from your meet-up organisers, Ellen, Hannah and Mike
📢 18.35 - 60 second intros - a chance for in-person and online attendees to introduce themselves, ask for help and tell us about something the group might find interesting
💚 18.50 - James's talk
💚 19.15 - Laura's talk
❓ 19.35 - Questions
🗓️ 19.45 - Round-up and next event announcement
20.00 - Event close. In person attendees can continue networking at a nearby pub
The event will be recorded and available along with slides shortly after. For those online attendees, we'll email the joining link ahead of the event.
This event is made possible by the kind sponsorship from:
- ADLIB Recruitment
- The Discourse
- Krystal Hosting
- Scott Logic
hosted by

Green Tech South West