Benfield Sixth Form Consultation
By Eduprise
After extensive review and deliberation, NEAT Academy Trust and Benfield School Local Governing Committee are considering closing Benfield Sixth Form. We now wish to talk with the wider community to seek views on the possible closure of Benfield Sixth Form.
All feedback is taken into account before we meet to make a final decision. In this Crowdcast, you will find information about the current situation, our proposals for the future, and how you can contribute to the consultation process.
How can you respond to the consultation?
A crucial part of this process is a full consultation with parents, carers, and the local community, to gather your views about the proposal to close the sixth form. We therefore invite you to contribute to our consultation.
Your feedback is of vital importance when proceeding with such a significant potential change, and we would be grateful for any comments, support, criticisms, or suggestions that you may have.
The link below will navigate to an online form inviting you to provide feedback.
[Click Here]
You can also send your comments to:
Benfield School
Benfield Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
Thank you in advance for your consideration on such an important matter. Throughout this process, our aim is to stay in regular communication with stakeholders and our school community.
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