Behaviours and Competency Examples – a very quick review

FDA Union webinars

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Behaviours and Competency Examples – a very quick review

By FDA Union webinars

In this session Neil Rider will consider how to draft Behaviours and Competency examples. Based on a 250 word behaviour example he will also look at how to adapt the approach to include examples in a personal statement as well as the 3,700 characters for applications to Northern Ireland Civil Service and larger wordcounts allowed by some CS employers. As well as the STAR approach Neil will also look at ‘STARR’ as used in some processes. This will be a very brief ‘run though’ covering a lot of ground.

Neil is a CS ‘trained trainer’ for Civil Service Success Profiles. He has delivered remote interactive sessions for the FDA and CS employers across the UK including Cabinet Office, Home Office, CS Fast Stream, DWP and HMRC.

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FDA Union webinars

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