The Automated Entrepreneur: Embrace AI and stay creative

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The Automated Entrepreneur: Embrace AI and stay creative

By The Happy Startup School

Are you a solo founder curious about AI?

Do you want to know how it could help you be more impactful, more effective, and free up your time?

Or are you a conscious business owner who worries about what AI is doing to our humanity and our creativity?

If so, then this conversation with Kerry Harrison, AI educator and professional copywriter, is for you.

Kerry makes AI accessible. She teaches practical ways to save time while adding your brilliant human creativity to the mix.

Drawing on two decades of copywriting work and five years of AI experience, she can help you create compelling, human content in less time.

As well as discussing how you can use AI to become a better writer for your business, we’ll also hear about Kerry’s own struggles with working with AI.

As a yoga teacher, a host of women’s circles and a nature lover, there’s something fundamental about AI that creates an inner tension.

Like you, she’s torn between the idea of embracing the technology or running for the trees.

This is a dichotomy that we’d like to explore.

When it comes to productivity, AI provides a lot of potential for us to save time, whether that’s doing research, coming up with new ideas, or producing content.

However, when it comes to our creative output, if we outsource all the thinking to AI, where does that leave us?

We need to remember that humans buy from humans.

As entrepreneurs who offer something unique (not off-the-shelf commodities), one of the most valuable things we have is our story.

Stories are a connection superpower.

Told well, they take people from knowing you to liking you to loving you in an instant.

But will people still connect with your stories if AI is now writing them?

And if so, who are they really connecting to?

You, or an imitation of you?

Will the stories you share match up to the experience you’re selling?

If you’re passionate about doing business at a human level, then these thoughts will trouble you.

By the end of this conversation, we hope that you’ll be able to better articulate what troubles you about AI so that you can use it more consciously.

And you’ll also learn how to use it in a way that amplifies your impact and efficiency without losing your humanity.

hosted by

The Happy Startup School

The Happy Startup School


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