Authentic, human centred marketing

Dietitian Values

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Authentic, human centred marketing

By Dietitian Values

Do you get stuck around marketing? Unsure how to market in a way that aligns with your values?
Want to learn how to market your business minus the ick factor of traditional marketing tactics?
The key to this is using your values to build a human centred approach.
Authentic marketing that goes beyond lip speak.
In this 2hr workshop I will support you to get clear on how your values can guide your marketing and provide practical tools and strategies to get you marketing with confidence and alignment.
We'll cover:
  • Why traditional marketing feels 'icky' or hard
  • Using values to create a marketing plan for your business
  • The power of relationships and relational marketing
  • Adapting marketing skills you've already learned to work for YOUR values aligned way
  • Take away actions
I'll be answering all your questions and we'll be digging into some practical exercises in the workshop so that you have the tools to apply all that we cover.
There will be a replay you can access as you need.
There will NOT be any upsell or promotion at the end. I'll be bringing what I've got to support you to get started on a values aligned way to market your business. I'm truly passionate about this and want to show up to support you (and our profession) to do things differently in business.
Let's get started. Can't wait to connect.

hosted by

Dietitian Values


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