Poetry Reading: Kate Colby and Chuck Stebelton

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Poetry Reading: Kate Colby and Chuck Stebelton

By Woodland Pattern

Poetry Reading featuring Kate Colby, author of Reverse Engineer (Ornithopter Press, 2022), and Chuck Stebelton, author of One Hundred Patterns & Three Heuristics (Green Gallery Press, 2023)

Kate Colby is the author of eight books of poetry and a book of lyric essays. She has received awards and fellowships from the Poetry Society of America, Rhode Island State Council for the Arts, the Dodd Research Center at University of Connecticut, and Harvard’s Woodberry Poetry Room. Recent poems and essays have appeared or are forthcoming in Conjunctions, Fence, Lana Turner, and The Nation. She lives in Providence.

Chuck Stebelton is author most recently of One Hundred Patterns & Three Heuristics (Green Gallery Press, 2023). His previous poetry collections include An Apostle Island (Oxeye Press, 2021), The Platformist (Cultural Society, 2012), and Circulation Flowers (Tougher Disguises, 2005). He established Ben Tinterstices Editions with a focus on collaborative print objects in 2021. In 2018, he established Partly Press at Lynden Sculpture Garden. He served as Literary Program Director at Woodland Pattern Book Center from 2005 to 2017. As a Wisconsin Master Naturalist volunteer, he has led workshops and field trips for nonprofit organizations and conservancy groups including Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters; Milwaukee Public Library; Woodland Pattern Book Center; Friends of Lorine Niedecker; and Lynden Sculpture Garden. He recently completed an ARTservancy artist residency with River Revitalization Foundation and has held residencies at Lynden Sculpture Garden in 2011, 2014, and from 2018 to 2023.

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Woodland Pattern

Woodland Pattern


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