Astar Tech Talk 004 - XVM Walkthrough - Use ink! SDK to call EVM from WASM contracts

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Astar Tech Talk 004 - XVM Walkthrough - Use ink! SDK to call EVM from WASM contracts

By Astar Network

Cross Virtual Machine is released!

We will go through all implementations of ink! XVM SDK and talk about the different ways to use XVM. In the second part, we will do a live demo in Shibuya

Full agenda
- Intro
- XVM pallet & XVM chain-extension
- XVM v2 & XVM v3 + when it will be live
- XVM from ink! smart contracts: intro of ink! XVM SDK
- Code walkthrough of differents implementations
- Live demo with remix + polkadotjs UI
- Q&A

Join the Crowdcast to learn all about XVM from Astar Dev Team.

hosted by

Astar Network

Astar Network


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