The Future of Installer Training with Damon Blakemore

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The Future of Installer Training with Damon Blakemore

By Installer & elemental

Ed Morris, Technical Manager of Altecnic, discusses the future of training for plumbing and heating installers with Damon Blakemore.

They touch on subjects like:
  • Personal background and experiences with training
  • Key current training topics (heat pumps and part L)
  • The REAL cost of upskilling/reskilling to an installer (time, money, etc)
  • Where do installers go for training?
  • AND answer real questions from installers

If you have a question you would like to ask during the webinar, head over to the Altecnic instagram (@altecnicltd) and send your question to them!

hosted by

Installer & elemental

Installer & elemental


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