Active drainage ventilation in high rise buildings

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Active drainage ventilation in high rise buildings

By Installer & elemental

Hosted by Lucy Dixon

This is your opportunity to see High-rise drainage in action and fully understand the air movement in a drainage system and how it needs to be controlled to ensure that water trap seals are not compromised.

During this webinar, you will be introduced to the significance of air management in drainage systems and learn about our training and research centre located in Northampton. Following this introduction, you'll experience a live demonstration of the system in operation, showcasing how products like our Active Drainage Ventilation system regulates pressure under real-life conditions. By the end of the session, you will be equipped with valuable information and resources to implement best practices in your projects.

Lastly, you'll have the opportunity to engage with our Technical experts, asking any questions you may have, and discover how you can visit the National Lift Tower for an in-depth CPD presentation and guided tour of the facilities.

Don't miss this chance to connect with experts in the field and explore the possibilities of integrating advanced drainage solutions into your next project. Whether you're looking to solve existing challenges or prevent potential problems, this webinar offers the tools and knowledge to help you succeed.

  • Barry Stubbs, Technical Training Academy Manager, Aliaxis

hosted by

Installer & elemental

Installer & elemental


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