AI & ML Online Developer Summit

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AI & ML Online Developer Summit

By IBM Developer

Join IBM Developer for the very first online AI and ML Summit. The AI and ML Summit is an exciting half day of talks, workshop and virtual networking with speakers from Twilio, Weights and Biases, IBM and others. While we are not able to provide real food, we will be giving out virtual πŸ•s!
Free and open to all - come and learn about AI, Machine Learning, Data Science, how to leverage AI in the enterprise, and what is the future of AI. Bring your questions and curiosity for learning.
🎈8:45am - Welcome
🌟 9:00am - Explainability in neural networks - Lavanya Shukla (Weights & Biases)
🌟 9:25am - Improve Communication Apps with Machine Learning! - Lizzie Siegle (Twilio)
🌟 9:50am - Hands-on workshop
🌟 10:25am - Testing Machine Learning Models in Production - Eric Schles
🌟 10:50 - Predict the Future with Watson Studio AutoAI - Jenna Ritten (IBM)
🌟 11:15 - Realtime Object Detection in the Browser with TensorFlow.js - Nicholas Bourdakos (IBM)
Learn more about speakers and full talk descriptions.

hosted by

IBM Developer

IBM Developer


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