Right on Time: How to Change Careers at Any Age
By Skillcrush
If you’ve ever found yourself worrying that you’re “too old” to be taken seriously in tech…
You’re not alone! Ageism is real! And it disproportionately affects those already marginalized in the workforce aka women, BIPOC, and the disabled. And tech has a reputation for being a “young” industry.
But given that reality, what is an “old” person to do?
Please join us for a very special webinar with workplace futurist, ageism expert, and recent author of In Control at 50+: How to Succeed in the New World of Work, Kerry Hannon.
Kerry Hannon has been featured in all kinds of well-renowned places (The New York Times, PBS, ABC, and NPR to name but a few) and next Thursday, she’ll be joining us to answer all of your questions about career transitions and aging in the workplace. Please join us:
Right on Time: How to Change Careers at Any Age
with special guest Kerry Hannon
Thursday, October 13th
3 PM ET / 12 NOON PT
And please sign up even if you can’t make the webinar live, we’ll share the recording with everyone who signs up.
Plus, you’ll be entered to win a copy of Kerry’s book!
hosted by
