ACIM Class Series For Beginners (4 Classes)

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ACIM Class Series For Beginners (4 Classes)

By Maria Felipe

Special 4 Class ACIM Beginners Series: Delve Deeper into the Teachings of A Course in Miracles!

This series is specifically designed for those who want to go beyond the surface and explore ACIM in greater depth. Each class is carefully crafted to provide you with a rich and immersive experience that will enhance your understanding and application of ACIM principles.

Join us as we journey together through this transformative exploration of truth, forgiveness, perception, and integration. Each class builds upon the previous one, guiding you on a progressive path towards a deeper connection with the teachings of ACIM and their practical application in your everyday life.

Class 1: Introduction to A Course in Miracles: Unveiling the Path of Transformation
Join us for an enlightening journey as we dive into the profound teachings of A Course in Miracles (ACIM). In this introductory class, we will explore the core principles and concepts that form the foundation of ACIM. Discover how ACIM challenges our perceptions, empowers us to take responsibility for our experiences, and guides us towards a path of transformation and awakening. Whether you are new to ACIM or seeking a refresher, this class will set the stage for an extraordinary exploration of truth, love, and healing.

Class 2: The Power of Forgiveness: Embracing Healing and Liberation
Forgiveness lies at the heart of A Course in Miracles, and in this class, we will delve deep into its transformative power. Learn how to release past grievances, let go of judgment, and experience the liberation that forgiveness brings. Through practical techniques and insights, we will explore the profound healing potential of forgiveness and its ability to restore our sense of peace, joy, and interconnectedness. Join us as we unlock the power of forgiveness and cultivate a more compassionate and loving way of being.

Class 3: Shifting Perception: Seeing Beyond Illusions to Discover Truth

In this class, we will embark on a journey of shifting perception and transcending the illusions of the world. ACIM teaches us that our perception shapes our reality, and by altering our perspective, we can experience a profound shift in our lives. Explore practical tools and exercises to expand your awareness, challenge limiting beliefs, and open yourself up to the truth beyond appearances. Discover the profound wisdom that lies beyond the illusions and experience a deeper connection with the essence of who you truly are.

Class 4: Living ACIM: Integrating the Teachings into Everyday Life

The final class in our series is all about taking the teachings of A Course in Miracles and applying them to our daily lives. Discover practical strategies and techniques for integrating the principles of ACIM into your relationships, work, and personal growth journey. Explore how to embody forgiveness, practice mindfulness, and cultivate a loving mindset in all aspects of your life. Join us as we explore the art of living ACIM and unlock the potential for profound transformation, peace, and fulfillment.

DATES: July 11,14,18 and 21
ONLINE on Crowdcast

$80 for all 4 Classes!

A Cuban American born in Miami, Maria Felipe is a dynamic motivational speaker and author of Live Your Happy who is changing lives one laugh at a time. With a passion for inspiring others, she has become a sought-after speaker who motivates and encourages audiences with her unique blend of humor and wisdom. Before becoming a spiritual teacher, she appeared in national commercials and hosted successful TV shows, including World Wrestling Entertainment shows with live audiences of over twenty thousand. After experiencing an inward calling, she changed course and studied with Pathways of Light, an accredited religious school inspired by A Course in Miracles.With a warm and engaging style, Maria has helped countless individuals to overcome obstacles and live happier!
People magazine once referred to Maria Felipe as “Una campeona sin rival, or “a champion without rival.”
Aside from her career, Maria loves being a mom and wife, and is grateful to be living in sunny Florida with her family.

hosted by

Maria Felipe

Maria Felipe


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