A Day in the Life: Product Designer, Linda Joy
By Skillcrush
One of the more confusing aspects of the tech industry, especially for people just entering the industry, is that job titles are ALL OVER THE PLACE.
Are you training to be a software engineer, software developer, web developer, JavaScript developer, tech support developer or WHAT?!
In fact, making sense of all these different titles is a big part of what our coaches help our Get Hired job seekers do!
But if you think developer job titles are confusing…I caution you from even opening the pandora’s box that is designer titles 😂📦
But the truth is that diversity of titles actually represents something that I think is really beautiful and important about working in tech: although the skills you bring to the table will be the same, the work you do day-to-day can vary enormously.
In other words, what you do as a “software engineer” or “product designer” will look totally different depending on the industry and company you’re working for.
Since I know this TOO can be confusing, I’ve asked my very good friend and immensely talented product designer Linda Joy to join us for a special webinar and straighten it all out.
Linda currently works at a large startup company called Teacher Pay Teacher, but before that she held Product Designer roles at a small healthcare startup and a large software consulting company. In each context her work and day-to-day looked quite different, and she is going to share with us how her roles were similar and different and the many shapes that working as a product designer can take!
So please join us for what is sure to be an illuminating conversation!
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