80/20 remedies – Therapeutic 'go-to' remedies for a successful practice

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80/20 remedies – Therapeutic 'go-to' remedies for a successful practice

By Tracy

Why 80/20?
Pareto's Rule is that 80% of the results come from 20% of the effort.
Since I discovered the 80/20 rule I can see it applies to everything, including homeopathy.
In my earlier webinars I've talked a lot about nosodes and polycrests.
This webinar will cover those, but I'm also going to share all my 'go-to' remedies that I use over and over again because they work.
Background to Tracy Karkut-Law
I’m a classical and practical prescriber, and graduated from CHE 14 years ago, where I was lucky enough to be taught by many excellent practical as well as classical homeopaths.
I spent two years running a drop-in acute clinic (while still a student) and have worked with the Travelling Homeopaths Collective many times over the last 15 years, including three times at Glastonbury and the most recent time as a team leader.
4 principles
Four principles have informed my personal philosophy and my practice has evolved out of that.
  1. There is no superiority in using a single remedy
  2. Remedies support the action of one another
  3. People present with unclear pictures due to drug toxicity
  4. People expect results quickly, and to keep them on board, I want them to feel better from the start
My prescribing strategy
I have evolved my own prescribing strategy, informed by Triad Prescribing as set out by Hilary Fairclough, and also informed by Hilery Dorrian with whom I was lucky enough to sit in with for three full days of clinic while I was still training.
Hilery Dorrian mostly prescribed 30c, and some 200c, occasionally 6c. Rarely 1M.
I often prescribe three remedies weekly, with a therapeutic remedy in the morning.
For detox, I use a lot of low potency prescribing, often 12c, or perhaps 6c and often 3 remedies per day.
In general, I use low potencies initially and Homeobotanicals alongside.
This helps to detoxify, nourish and energise.
I hope you will join me.

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