Formations Series for New & Improvised Music—September 21, 2023

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Formations Series for New & Improvised Music—September 21, 2023

By Woodland Pattern

Formations is a monthly music series curated by Jay Mollerskov and dedicated to fostering the growth of new and improvised music in Milwaukee.

Set 1 - Cathedral Becomes Tomb is a sound expression from Wisconsin based artist Barry Paul Clark (adoptahighway, Tontine Ensemble, Field Report). The expression includes double bass in combination with effected audio signals. It draws inspiration from his lived experiences in conjunction with mental health therapy. The catalyst is an attempt to sonically manifest living with anxiety and major depressive disorders. Live performances are multimedia improvisations that utilize a mixture of projection imagery, film pieces and Barry’s own video footage, with a visual signal affected by the sounds being produced in the performance.

Genre can be implemented as a tool of organization and for the comfort of an unknown, so for genre category purposes, Cathedral Becomes Tomb shares sonic spaces connected to drone, improvisation, glacial maximalism, deep listening, and experimental electronic, with techniques derivative of contemporary chamber/classical music.

Set 2 - Gina Laurenzi Dance Project & Allen Russell
This piece represents the middle stage of the evolution of a collaborative work between choreographer Gina Laurnezi and musician Allen Russell. Originating in Laurenzi’s MFA studies, this piece was first inspired by coral reefs and the various sensory experiences divers have when exploring at night. The first iteration was a 15 minute single-scene, and by early 2024 will be a full length concert work. We hope you enjoy the realization of our work Photophores.

hosted by

Woodland Pattern

Woodland Pattern


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