How CPAs Can Create and Communicate Value

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How CPAs Can Create and Communicate Value

By Geraldine Carter

The more you understand value, the easier it will be to generate revenue.

The more you understand what your clients value, the easier it will be to design and package your services to make them appealing.

The more you understand what your clients value, the better you will get at articulating how you can help them.

The better you get at articulating how you can help clients, the easier it gets to attract clients to you for whom you can create value.

Before you can do any of the above, you must understand this nebulous thing called “value.”

Learning how to create value for your clients is the key that unlocks the rest.

I’ll walk you through the fundamentals and show you the four simple things that almost all accounting clients value.

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Geraldine Carter

Geraldine Carter


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