The 3 Biggest Mistakes After Bariatric Surgery
By ProCare Health
“The 3 Biggest Mistakes After Bariatric Surgery That Get in the Way of Achieving & Maintaining the Weight Loss You Deserve” with Featured Speaker: Shelly Southall
Do you worry about what happens when the “honeymoon period” after weight loss surgery ends? Maybe, it already has and you’re experiencing the return of unwanted thinking and habits—and it’s freaking you out! Here’s the deal: your bariatric tool will continue to work for decades to come so long as you develop the thinking, behavior and environment to support your success. In this episode, come along on a journey to discover the Rightsize Living Matrix, which will help you pinpoint how your mindset and habits are currently impacting your ability to maintain your ideal weight. Then, you’ll discover the 3 most common mistakes that lead to weight regain after bariatric surgery, and more importantly, how you can avoid them and achieve the long-term success you deserve.
BIO: Shelly Southall is a Rightsize Living Expert with a passion for helping women who are struggling with the return of old habits and weight regain after bariatric surgery. Shelly began her battle with obesity as a young girl, starting her first doctor-directed diet at 8 years old. From there, she was sucked into the yo-yo cycle of dieting which included hospital programs, nutritionists, psychologists, fat camps, starvation, pills and just about every big-name diet program you can imagine. She underwent gastric bypass surgery in 2002, losing 101 pounds. She struggled with regain for more than a decade, eventually putting back on half the weight she had lost through surgery. She finally figured out how to break free from the chains of obesity, lost the regain and has maintained her lowest post-surgery weight since 2018. Today, Shelly helps others achieve “rightsize,” the body in which you look and feel your best without dieting, deprivation or drastic measures.
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ProCare Health