20 Ways to Conquer Business & Writer's Block!

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20 Ways to Conquer Business & Writer's Block!

By Mary Weber & The Writer’s Sanctuary

Feeling creatively blocked? We’ve all been there. In fact, some of us are thinking about putting in for a change of address, because it seems like we live there.
Lack of focus. Lack of energy. Lack of new ideas. Feeling like you’ve either hit a wall or you’re in a rut. Either way, it’s affecting your ability to pursue your writing, grow your businesses, and live your healthiest, best life.
Being creatively blocked means you’ve lost access to your inner well of inspiration and passion. This can affect your career, your dreams, and your mental health.
What you need is an in-depth, transparent table talk session that will change the way you create!
In just one night, you’ll:
  • explore the reasons behind creative block
  • identify what is blocking YOU
  • learn why understanding creative block matters more than you think
  • do a deep dive into what psychologists & professionals say can fix it
  • add 20 strategies for un-blocking your creativity to your tool box
  • choose which strategies are right for YOU right NOW
  • leave educated, empowered, and encouraged to access your inner creativity once more!

hosted by

Mary Weber & The Writer’s Sanctuary

Mary Weber & The Writer’s Sanctuary


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