A paraplanner's guide to giving

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A paraplanner's guide to giving

By Paraplanners' Assembly

Join us online for this Assembly at 1pm on Wednesday 11 December 2024 and we guarantee that the stats one of our guests will share will make your jaw drop at least twice. (Ours did.)

Not only that, but armed with the insights, you’ll think totally differently about how many of your clients – or your clients’ clients – think about giving.

Giving matters to clients
Because each of us shares an ever more complex and connected planet. One where we’re all facing the consequences of a human-made climate emergency and conflicts. A world of profound inequalities in health, economic and social outcomes between – and within – populations.

So it shouldn’t be a surprise to learn that more and more clients are looking for returns that aren’t measured financially, but by effecting positive economic, social and environmental change.

But how many of your clients think this way? And if you did know how many, how confident are you that you can help clients make their social and charitable ambitions part of a practical financial plan?

What you’ll learn at this Assembly
To explore this topic we’ve gathered together three wise people (appropriate for the time of year) to help us:
  • look at different ways in which clients can give these days
  • why they might want to give in the first place; and
  • the evidence that clients do want to give but their advisers don’t seem to realise
Because host Richard Allum will be joined by pioneering ethical investing advocate and financial planner Jeannie Boyle of EQ Investors, Jack Chellman chief project officer of the innovative Global Returns Project and David McIntosh of chief executive of ShareGift – a brilliant service that has turned the shareholding equivalent of spare change into more than £50 million in donations to UK charities since 1996.

Save your spot now
Once upon a time, philanthropy was something that only the very wealthiest would consider. But in this season of goodwill – and in a world that doesn’t half need it – find out why that’s no longer true – and how paraplanners can help clients put their money to work in powerfully positive ways more easily than ever before.

hosted by

Paraplanners' Assembly

Paraplanners' Assembly


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