WEBINAR: The Ripple Effect of Rest

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WEBINAR: The Ripple Effect of Rest

By Creative Plus Business

In a world where being busy is worn as a badge of honour, where needing extra hours in the day and being powered by caffeine is part of the ‘norm’, choosing rest is a radical act. Rest is a vital practice—for our wellbeing, creativity, and performance—but many of us find it challenging to escape the shackles of urgency culture and allow ourselves to slow down and simply be.

To play the devil's advocate here, how productive are you when you’re exhausted, overextended, and uninspired? As a freelancer or small business owner, you are uniquely placed to rewrite the harmful paradigms that keep us exhausted and uninspired and craft a new way of working that is holistic, sustainable, and centres your health and wellbeing.

In this conversation-style webinar, Lillie Brown will be joined by facilitator and somatics practitioner Emmie Rae to unpack the habits and beliefs that influence our complicated relationship with rest before exploring the generative nature of rest and how we can build it into our lives and businesses.

And one final thing: rest is not something you need to earn. It's your birthright.

Part of our Evening Education series!

What’s Included? A 60 min panel webinar with our creative industries experts, plus lifetime access to additional resources and/or a special Dropbox folder containing more resources to support your learning.

Who should sign up? Creative industries professionals and business people from start-up to established (Australia only, sorry!). We also welcome creative freelancers, soloists, students, start-ups and curious hobbyists.

Who's the host? Lillie Brown is a freelance marketing strategist and Marketing Manager of Creative Plus Business. Lillie works with small to medium creative businesses to devise and implement marketing and social media strategies that are easy for creative brains to digest. She walks clients through a comprehensive planning process to create simple to understand and actionable strategies to help them fulfil their vision – including Creative Plus Business!

Emmie Rae is the founder of The Daily Rest Studio, a Soft Business mentor and an over-enthusiastic writer, forever falling in love with life and holding tight to the belief that it's not only okay, but essential, to practice living and working gently in a fast paced world.

What’s Creative Plus Business?
We’re a social enterprise dedicated to educating creative people and arts organisations about business skills. We help through sharing practical knowledge in a fun and irreverent way, and everything we do is designed to help creatives to feel more confident and comfortable about the entrepreneurial aspects of their creative practice. We believe that a bit of naughtiness, tempered with a kind heart and a big dose of professionalism, is the key to helping creative people understand the boring basics of business.

Accessibility: if you have any access requirements, please email [email protected]

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Creative Plus Business

Creative Plus Business


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