Vroman’s Live presents An Evening of Poetry with Jodie Hollander, Bruce Bond, and Boris Dralyuk

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Vroman’s Live presents An Evening of Poetry with Jodie Hollander, Bruce Bond, and Boris Dralyuk

By Vroman's & Book Soup Live

About the Poets:
Jodie Hollander’s work has appeared in journals such as The Poetry Review, The Yale Review, The Harvard Review, PN Review, The Kenyon Review, Poetry London, The Hudson Review, The Dark Horse, The New Criterion, The Rialto, Verse Daily, The Best Australian Poems of 2011, and The Best Australian Poems of 2015. Her debut full-length collection, My Dark Horses, was published with Liverpool University Press & Oxford University Press. Her second collection, Nocturne, was published with the Liverpool & Oxford University Press in the spring of 2023.
Bruce Bond is the author of 35 books including, most recently, Patmos (Juniper Prize, UMass, 2021), Behemoth (New Criterion Prize, 2021), Liberation of Dissonance (Schaffner Award for Literature in Music, Schaffner, 2022), Choreomania (MadHat, 2023), and Invention of the Wilderness (LSU, 2023), plus two books of criticism, Immanent Distance(UMichigan, 2015) and Plurality and the Poetics of Self (Palgrave, 2019).  Among his forthcoming books are Therapon (inspired by Emmanuel Levinas and co-authored with Dan Beachy-Quick, Tupelo), Vault (Richard Snyder Award, Ashland), and The Dove of the Morning News (Test Site Poetry Prize, U. of NV).  Other honors include the Crab Orchard Award, Elixir Press Poetry Award, Tampa Review Book Prize, two TIL Best Book of Poetry awards, fellowships from the NEA and the Texas Institute for the Arts, and seven appearances in Best American Poetry.  Presently he teaches part-time as a Regents Emeritus Professor of English at the University of North Texas and performs jazz and classical guitar in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.
Boris Dralyuk is the author of My Hollywood and Other Poems (Paul Dry Books, 2022) and the translator of volumes by Isaac Babel, Andrey Kurkov, Leo Tolstoy, and other authors. His poems, translations, and criticism have appeared in the NYRB, the TLS, The New Yorker, and elsewhere, and he is the recipient, most recently, of the 2022 Gregg Barrios Translation Prize from the National Book Critics Circle. Formerly editor-in-chief of the Los Angeles Review of Books, he is currently an Associate Professor of English and Creative Writing at the University of Tulsa.

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